
2017年03月08日 10:12 admin 点击:[]


2013年毕业于中国海洋大学 海洋化学/理学博士学位

Mail: yoyo-lzr@hotmail.com






Ziru Lian*, Fang Li, Xiuping He, Junhui Chen, Ren-Cheng Yu.2022.Rising CO2will increase toxicity of marine dinoflagellateAlexandrium minutum.Journal of Hazardous Materials.

Ziru Lian*, Min Zhao, Jiangtao Wang, Ren-Cheng Yu.2021.Dual-emission ratiometric fluorescent sensor based molecularly imprinted nanoparticles for visual detection of okadaic acid in seawater and sediment.Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical

Fang Li,Ziru Lian*, Chunxia Song, Changzi Ge.2021.Release of florfenicol in seawater using chitosan-based molecularly imprinted microspheres as drug carriers.Marine Pollution Bulletin

Min Zhao, Jiangtao Wang,Ziru Lian*.2021.Fluorescence assay of oxytetracycline in seawater after selective capture using magnetic molecularly imprinted nanoparticles.Marine PollutionBulletin

Yuhua Liu,Ziru Lian, Fangfang Li, Abdul Majid, Jiangtao Wang*.2021.Review on molecular imprinting technology and its application in pre-treatment and detection of marine organic pollutants.Marine PollutionBulletin

Lijun Liu, Junhui Chen, Xiuping He*, Shuang Hao,Ziru Lian**,Baodong Wang.2020. First determination of extracellular paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins in the culture medium of toxigenic dinoflagellates by HILIC–HRMS.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

Dan Qin, Min Zhao, Jiangtao Wang,Ziru Lian*.2020. Selective extraction and detection of norfloxacin from marine sediment and seawater samples using molecularly imprinted silica sorbents coupled with HPLC.Marine Pollution Bulletin

Min Zhao, Zonghao Hou,Ziru Lian*,Dan Qin, Changzi Ge. 2020. Direct extraction and detection of malachite green from marine sediments by magnetic nano-sized imprinted polymer coupled with spectrophotometric analysis.Marine Pollution Bulletin

Dan Qin, Jiangtao Wang, Changzi Ge,Ziru Lian*.2019. Fast extraction of chloramphenicol from marine sediments by using magnetic molecularly imprinted nanoparticles.Microchimica Acta


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