2021.02—2023.07中国农业科学院农业基因组研究所 博士后/助理研究员
2023.08—至今山东大学(威海)海洋学院 讲师/助理研究员
裸子植物线粒体基因组的进化研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(31370250, 2014.01-2017.12),主要完成人
Wang J*, Kan S*, Kong JL, Nie LY, Fan WS, Ren Y, Reeve W#, Mower JP#, Wu ZQ#. 2024. Accumulation of large lineage-specific repeats coincides with sequence acceleration and structural rearrangement in Plantago plastomes. Genome Biology and Evolution 16:evae177.
Liu YY*#, Cao JL*, Kan SL*, Wang PH, Wang JL, Cao YN, Wang HW, Li JM. 2024. Phylogenomic analyses sheds new light on the phylogeny and diversification of Corydalis DC. in Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains and adjacent regions. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 193:108023.
Kan SL*, Liao XZ*, Lan L, Kong JL, Wang J, Nie LY, Zou J, An H, Wu ZQ#. 2024. Cytonuclear interactions and subgenome dominance shape the evolution of organelle-targeted genes in the Brassica triangle of U. Molecular Biology and Evolution 41:msae043.
Lian Q*, Li S*, Kan SL*, Liao XZ, Huang SW, Sloan DB, Wu ZQ#. 2024. Association analysis provides insights into plant mitonuclear interactions. Molecular Biology and Evolution 41:msae028.
Wang J*, Kan SL*, Liao XZ*, Zhou JW, Tembrock LR, Daniell H#, Jin SX#, Wu ZQ#. 2024. Plant organellar genomes: much done, much more to do. Trends in Plant Science 29:754-769.
Lai C*, Wang J*, Kan SL*, Zhang S, Li P, Reeve WG, Wu ZQ#, Zhang YH#. 2022. Comparative analysis of mitochondrial genomes of Broussonetia spp. (Moraceae) reveals heterogeneity in structure, synteny, intercellular gene transfer, and RNA editing. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:1052151.
Wang JL, Wang HW, Cao YN, Kan SL#, Liu YY#. 2022. Comprehensive evolutionary analysis of the TCP gene family: Further insights for its origin, expansion, and diversification. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:994567.
Kan SL*, Liao XZ*, Wu ZQ#. 2022. The roles of mutation and selection acting on mitochondrial genomes inferred from intraspecific variation in seed plants. Genes 13:1036.
Kan SL, Shen TT, Ran JH#, Wang XQ#. 2021. Both Conifer II and Gnetales are characterized by a high frequency of ancient mitochondrial gene transfer to the nuclear genome. BMC Biology 19:146.
Kan SL, Shen TT, Gong P, Ran JH, Wang XQ. 2020. The complete mitochondrial genome of Taxus cuspidata (Taxaceae): eight protein-coding genes have transferred to the nuclear genome. BMC Evolutionary Biology 20:10.
期刊审稿专家:Genome Biology and Evolution, Frontiers in Plant Science, Biology, Genes, Ecology and Evolution, Ornamental Plant Research