2022年9月至今 山东大学(威海) 副教授
2015年7月至2022年9月 山东大学(威海) 讲师
2009年8月—2015年6月 西北农林科技大学 食品科学与工程学院 硕博连读
2005年8月—2009年6月 西北农林科技大学 食品科学与工程学院 学士
Yuan-Hang Yang, Han-Yang Zhong, Bei Pan, Zi-Wen Wang, Du, Zong-Jun Du, Meng-Qi Ye*. A Newly Isolated Stress-Resistant Bacterial Strain with Potential Use in Bioremediation of Dyeing Effluents. Applied Sciences, 2024, 14(16):7181.
Xin-Jiang Liu, Ke-Lei Zhu, Yu-Qi Ye, Ze-Tian Han, Xin-Yun Tan, Zong-Jun Du*, Meng-Qi Ye*. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Marinobacterium weihaiense sp. nov. and Marinobacterium marinum sp. nov., isolated from marine sediment, and genomic properties of the genus Marinobacterium. Microbial Genomics, 2024, 10(1):001182.
Xin-Yue Zhang, Yu-Qi Ye, Yan-Jun Feng, Hong-Nan Gong, Zong-Jun Du, Zong-Jun Du*,Meng-Qi Ye*. Elongatibacter sediminis gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from intertidal sediment, and genomic comparison with all genera in the family Wenzhouxiangellaceae. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2024, 74(7): 006440.
Jun-Cheng Liu#, Yu-Qi Ye#, Xin-Yun Tan, Zong-Jun Du, Meng-Qi Ye*, Description of Aequorivita aurantiaca sp. nov. Isolated from Coastal Sediment, and Comparative Genomic Analysis and Biogeographic Distribution of the Genus Aequorivita. 2023, 11(10):2518.
Yu-Hui Wang, Jun-Cheng Liu, Yi-Heng Du, Jin-Hao Xu, Zong-Jun Du, Meng-Qi Ye*. Psychromarinibacter sediminicola sp. nov., a novel moderately halophilic, metabolically diverse bacterium isolated from a solar saltern sediment, and comparison between members of family Roseobacteraceae. Archives of Microbiology, 2023, 205(10): 331.
Han-Sheng Zhu, Xiao Liang, Jun-Cheng Liu, Han-Yang Zhong, Yuan-Hang Yang, Wen-Peng Guan, Zong-Jun Du*, Meng-Qi Ye*Antibiotic and Heavy Metal Co-Resistant Strain Isolated from Enrichment Culture of Marine Sediments, with Potential for Environmental Bioremediation Applications. Antibiotics- Basel, 2023, 12(9):1379.
Xin-Yun Tan, Xin-Jiang Liu, Zhao Li, Fan Yu, Hui Yang, Zong-Jun Du, Meng-Qi Ye*. Thiomicrorhabdus marina sp.nov., an obligate chemolithoautotroph isolated from tidal zone sediment, and genome insight into the genus Thiomicrorhabdus. Frontier in Marine Science, 2023, (10):1144912.
Meng-Qi Ye, Chuan-Bo Jin, Xin-Jiang Liu, Xin-Yun Tan, Yu-Qi, Ye and Zong-Jun Du. Description and genomic characterization of Oceaniferula flavus sp.nov., a novel potential polysaccharides degrading candidate of difficult-to-cultivate phylum Verrucomicrobiota, isolated from seaweeds. Marine drugs, 2022, 1(21):31.
Xin-jiang Liu, Huan Yu, Shao-Juan Du, Zong-Jun Du, Meng-Qi Ye*. Fulvivirga sedimenti sp.nov, isolated from the sediment of oceanic tidal zone. Archives of Microbiology. 2022, 204(12): 727.
Yu-Qi Ye, Ji-Ru Han, Jin-Xin Zhao, Meng-Qi Ye*, Zong-Jun Du*. Genomic Analysis and Characterization of Pseudotabrizicola formosa sp. nov., a Novel Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacterium,Isolated from Sayram Lake Water. Microogranisms, 2022, 10(11):2154.
Yu-Qi Ye, Zhi-Peng Hao, Yu-Yan Yue, Lu Ma, Meng-Qi Ye*, Zong-Jun Du*. Characterization of Kordiimonas marina sp. nov. and Kordiimonas laminariae sp. nov. and Comparative Genomic Analysis of the Genus Kordiimonas, A Marine-Adapted Taxon. Frontiers in marine science. 2022, (9):919253.
Yu-Qi Ye, Ze-Tian Han, Xin-Jiang Liu, Meng-Qi Ye*, Zong-Jun Du*. Maribellus maritimus sp. nov., isolated from marine sediment. Archives of Microbiology.2022, 204(1):40.
Chuan-Bo Jin, Xi Feng, Qi-Hang Zou, Meng-Qi Ye*, Zong-Jun Du*. Oceaniferula marina gen.nov., sp.nov., an anti-fluoroquinolone bacterium isolated from marine sediment, Antonie van Lee uwenhoek, 2021, 114(11): 1855-1865.
Cheng Gao, He-Yuan Lun; Dan-Dan Shang, Min Cai, Meng-Qi Ye*, Zong-Jun Du*. Gelidibacter maritimus sp. nov., isolated from marine sediment. Archives of Microbiology, 2021, 203(8): 5117-5122.
Meng-Qi Ye, Yu-Qi Ye, Zong-Jun Du, Guan-Jun Chen*. Cell-surface engineering of yeasts for whole-cell biocatalysts, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2021, 44(6): 1003-1019.
Meng-Qi Ye, Guan-Jun Chen, Zong-Jun Du*. Effects of Antibiotics on the Bacterial Community, Metabolic Functions and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Mariculture Sediments during Enrichment Culturing. Journal of marine Science and Engineering, 2020, 8(8): 604.